Sunday, May 3, 2009

TVs Aren't in Black and White Anymore, So Why Should Love Be?

Nothing is ever distinct anymore.
There are no right or wrong answers.
But, at times, some can be favored, right?
It's on a case by case basis we decide.

One this I know for sure is about love.
It's considered to be in black and white--
You love someone, or you don't, fin.
But doesn't it have it's shades of gray?

How about the times when you love someone
and your destiny is inevitable?
Or the times when it's so beautiful to
be loved, and everything is in technicolor?

What makes love so defined by two people,
to the point where no one else is significant?
Those two people define a concept too strong
to stand without explanation, or confirmation.

Love is not black and white.
You can love but never feel it reciprocated.
Or fall in love with someone so unexpected.
Sometimes love is not a desirable thing,

But a mere punishment for what you cannot have.

1 comment:

  1. This is trully my absolute favorite sturctured poem you have ever written.

    If i could marry your writing, i'd propose right now...
